Pathway to Prosperity

Grab Your Dating Life by the Balls

by Sam James

In 2023, The Daily Beast ranked the city that I call home número uno, as in the best, place to find a man. You’re probably ready to pack your bags & book your ticket to this dating mecca but wondering where, right? It’s where the now dated phrase Hotlanta was born and where the peaches grow, Atlanta. As a resident since 1996 let me encourage you to slow your roll. I don’t know how that could be a true stat considering I was doomed in dating before I even knew I was in fact doomed.


I do know this, men are everywhere. I’m ready to grab my dating life by the balls! I’m going to put myself any and everywhere there is going to be a high male to female ratio. In other words, I’m prepared to camp out in the men’s bathroom all in the name of saying, you too can be guaranteed success if you take this route. I might be getting a little carried away. Let’s nix the restroom & instead look beyond the night & strip clubs. Yes, in my younger years I had a one sided romance with a straight man who worked at a non-straight (i.e. gay) strip club. Hey, don’t knock it till you try it!

It’s Time to Grab Your Dating Life by the Balls

I did a little “research” to back up what I’m about to tell you, but after coming across a recovery program being a good place to meet a man I stopped. I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest doing it your way. As single women we’re bombarded with what to do & what not to do when it comes to finding & holding on to Mr. Right. Here’s a secret: plenty of fuck ups have found love. Take comfort in that. Yes, I’m talking about women who had sex on the first date, work in the porn industry & are the definition of emotional train wreck. If they can do it, so can we damn it!

A Plan of Attack

My plan of attack goes something like this, I’m going to do things I enjoy that I know men enjoy. Like lots of men.

#1 Beer is Manly

This weekend I’m going to a beer festival. Men like beer. I like beer. It’s a match made in beer heaven. I’ve actually had some real success in the man dept. at these types of events. I’d also like to try beer tastings or even a brewery tour. They usually go hand-in-hand & include a glass. I’m all about a cute new glass!

#2 Sports are Manly

It’s baseball season. Men like baseball. I don’t actually like baseball but I don’t dislike it, so in my book it counts. What I do like is going to the baseball stadium. I’m big on atmosphere; bring on the beer & peanuts. Even better on Fridays there are  fireworks. Sounds like perfect potential for a homer with a hottie!

#3 Being active is Manly

I’ve recently taken up running. When I can successfully run three miles minus being an out of breath hot mess I’m going to join a running club. Nothing hardcore. Just a few leisurely miles while scoping out the scenery for an attractive man with a pair of legs to match. Running might not be your thing, allow me to suggest the following: kickball, tennis or the driving range.  Just pick something dudes like, don’t be fussy instead be fearless!

I’m no dating expert, at least that’s not my official title. I’m more like a girl with a less than impressive dating resume. You know what, it happens!  I’m just trying to make sense of it all & cordially invite you to tag along. If you’re having fun & enjoying whatever “manly activity” you’ve chosen it’s going to catch someones eye. Whether he’s got boyfriend potential, FWB candidate or a complete dud is anyone’s guess.

Whatever the outcome remember this: one of the most important parts about being single is embracing it!

In other words, grab your dating life by the balls! XO

If you are worried about finding a soulmate and you’ve decided to try thought affirmations to help improve your chances, then you are on the right track.  The law of attraction for love is very clear about this: strong intent + powerful affirmations + positive feeling = sure results.  There’s a reason it’s called a law, and not a theory or a hypothesis.  It’s been proven over and over again around the world by people from diverse backgrounds.  If it can work for them, it will certainly work for you.


Finding A Soulmate Is  NOT Rocket Science But It IS Out Of This World!

Affirmations are not magical incantations.  They are weapons to fight the worst enemy of faith – doubt.  They work directly on your subconscious mind through conscious effort to bring you whatever you want.  It is a powerful tool if you know how to use it properly and is simple enough to implement; all it needs is dedicated repetition until the thought-seed is firmly planted deep inside your psyche.

Affirmations Can Remove Limiting Beliefs

Think of affirmations as being cleansers of the mind.  If you have dirt lying around for years, the only way to clear it out is to repeatedly clean it with something that removes dirt.  Some dirt is harder to remove, so more repetitions of your affirmation may be required.  In the end, it will work for you.

Affirmations Help Align Thought, Speech and Belief

These three elements of a human personality are usually incongruent with each other – the effects people see in their lives is a haphazard pattern of seemingly non-synchronous events.  Affirmations help bring these three elements together so they work in harmony to bring the future you deserve right into your hands.  Constantly thinking “how can I find love?” is not the solution to your problem, but constantly repeating the words “I can find love, I will find love, I have found love” is essentially a phenomenon called speaking your future into existence.  Wow, what powerful things affirmations can be!

If you follow the principles of the law of attraction for love, then affirmations will be a part of the process of finding a soulmate, and your “how can I find love” will soon turn into “I have found love”.  Make your affirmations a part of your daily life; ensure that you never have them out of sight or out of mind; use them as arrows to take you straight to your destiny – with haste.